Our Yard


on the Yard

Roof Trusses

Being a leader in the local construction industry for over half a century, Alpa Roof Trusses Inc. prides itself on being one of the largest manufacturers of engineered roof trusses in the area. With an emphasis on quality and durability, our wood roof trusses are a feat of engineering. Apart from standardized trusses, we also specialize in complicated customization, where our brilliant engineering team explores innovative methods to manufacture trusses that are tailormade for specific applications. Owing to the demanding nature of the business, the extensive yard is a hub of activity as our teams rush to meet the surge of orders for the upcoming spring and summer season.


With a rising demand for roof trusses during building seasons, the major raw material, which is high-quality lumber, can be in short supply. To tackle unforeseen stockouts of lumber, Alpa Roof Trusses maintains its inventory outside the facility with the help of trusted affiliates. Moreover, since the stock is susceptible to damage by exposure to the elements such as sunlight, rain, snow and sleet, it is stored in a sheltered structure that protects the lumber from these external influences, preserving their excellent quality and finish throughout the year.

On the Yard


The process of manufacturing and installing trusses is incomplete without proper packaging. Alpa Roof Trusses Inc. follows the best packaging practices in the industry, where the finished trusses are carried from the yard to a dedicated packing area with the aid of forklifts. Once our forklift fleet transports the products to the packaging section, they are then segregated on the basis of lot and shape for efficient transportation. Lastly, the sorted lot of trusses are loaded onto trucks with the aid of roll-offs to prevent any damage, ensuring safe and timely transportation of quality trusses all across Ontario.